Strep Throat

How to Prevent Strep Throat

It goes without saying that nobody wants to get strep throat. This is a serious infection that can cause you a lot of pain, not to mention the fact that it will likely result in you staying at home for several days.

There is no surefire way to prevent strep throat, however, there are steps you can take to better your chance of avoiding this disease. Here are three tips to consider:

  1. Clean your hands as often as necessary. This is undoubtedly the best way to prevent strep infection (among many other types). When at school, work, or in another public environment, you should be more conscientious of how often you are washing your hands.
  2. Don't share personal items with others. Are you in the habit of sharing a drink with other people? How about food? What about a toothbrush? None of this may sound like a big deal, but strep throat is contagious. If you share personal items with somebody who has this infection, you are likely to be next.
  3. Cover your mouth. When coughing or sneezing, it is essential to cover your mouth. This can go a long way in ensuring that others don’t catch an infection, such as strep throat, that you may have.

To go along with the above tips, here is one last piece of advice: the best way to prevent strep throat is to avoid contact with somebody who is already infected. This may not be possible, because it is hard to know when somebody has strep throat, but you can do your best.

Bacteria is spread by coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, and any other sort of close contact. On top of this, you can pick up strep infection from objects such as doorknobs, books, tables, countertops, and other hard surfaces that were touched by somebody with the infection.

There is no guaranteed way to prevent strep throat, but if you take this advice you will lessen your chance of becoming sick.